second lieutenant
Areas of Focus for 2nd Lt
Officer Force Structure: The officer force structure is comprised of three distinct and separate tiers. The tiers are Company Grade Officer (CGO) and include grades O-1 thru O-3, Field Grade Officer (FGO) comprising of grades O-4 thru O-6, and General Officer (GO), with grades O-7 thru O-10. FGOs are expected to have mastered CGO responsibilities. Officers should understand the enlisted structure, duty titles, and responsibilities within their organizations.
Second Lieutenant (2Lt): 2Lts fall in the CGO tier and are often charged with learning as much as possible as quickly as they can. It is not uncommon for some 2Lts to change offices to gain familiarity with their career field and learn operations.
Focus Areas: Professionalism and mission success along with developing tactical, operational, and strategic competencies associated with this rank and position. Competencies are developed through AF education, training, and professional experiences.
Company Grade Officers' Responsibilities:
Developing Self
Developing Others
Developing Ideas
AFSC Training to Qualified 3-skill level
Learn and be involved in enlisted performance reports (EPRs), awards, and decorations
NMANG Leadership, History, and State Partnership Program (SPP):
Promote Organizational Culture:
Participate in the squadron, group, wing, and community events and activities
Professionalism, Attitude, Work Ethic, Camaraderie Maintain Mission Readiness: fitness assessment, medical and dental, mobility, AFSC Upgrade Training
Key Air Force Systems to Know:
Go to Key Air Force Sites
Methods Of Development And Career Progression