Technical Sergeant
Areas of Focus for TSgt
(The Brown Book) Enlisted Force Structure
Noncommissioned Officers: The “backbone” of the United States Air Force. This tier focuses on training, supervision, and task execution and consists of Staff Sergeant (SSgt) and Technical Sergeant (TSgt). NCOs lead by example as role models to all and ensure proper use of resources within their control. They become proficient and internalize the Airman Leadership Qualities and progress toward intermediate and advanced foundational competency levels. Additionally, they continue their development through Enlisted Professional Military Education and career-broadening positions, as they begin building a strong network within and outside their organizations. As Noncommissioned Officer's progress in this tier, the focus will be on establishing proficiency.
Technical Sergeant. Further development by striving to be the technical expert while providing excellent attention to detail, establishing effective communication, and fostering a positive culture of trust within the organization.
NCO Responsibilities (The Brown Book, pages 15-16):
Developing Self
Developing Others
Developing Ideas
Developing Organizations
Development Path:
Complete First Line Supervisor's Course (1LSC) - signup via ARCNet
Complete NCO Academy - distance learning or in-residence
Complete Air Force Training Course (AFTC) - signup via ARCNet
Civilian College Courses, CLEPs/DSSTs - work toward CCAF or Associates Degree
Complete SEJPME I
Develop Leadership and Supervisory Skills
NCOIC, Project Officer, Additional Duty First Sergeant
Deployment (if the opportunity exists)
Supervise and/or mentor at least one Airman
Rater (ACA/EPR) for at least one Airman
Volunteer for Additional Duties to learn new skills
Panel member for mock board
Guide your Airmen through and support their Individual Development Plan
NMANG Leadership, History, and State Partnership Program (SPP):
Key Air Force Systems to Know:
Go to Key Air Force Sites
Promote Organizational Culture:
Active Participation in the squadron, group, wing, and community (morale committee, booster club, Rising 6, etc.)
Professional Organizations: AF Sergeants Association (AFSA), EANGUS, etc.
Professionalism, Attitude, Work Ethic, Camaraderie Maintain Mission Readiness: fitness assessment, medical and dental, mobility, AFSC Upgrade Training
Volunteer for Additional Duties to learn new skills
Attend a mock board and request feedback
Enlisted Force Development
Methods Of Development And Career Progression