first lieutenant

Areas of Focus for 1st Lt

Officer Force Structure: The officer force structure is comprised of three distinct and separate tiers. The tiers are Company Grade Officer (CGO) and include grades O-1 thru O-3, Field Grade Officer (FGO) comprising of grades O-4 thru O-6, and General Officer (GO), with grades O-7 thru O-10. FGOs are expected to have mastered CGO responsibilities. Officers should understand the enlisted structure, duty titles, and responsibilities within their organizations.

First Lieutenant (1Lt): By the time officers become a 1Lt, they are generally well-versed in their AFSC, though they may still be going through their required upgrade and on-the-Job Training (OJT). Some officers begin taking on the job of Flight Commander as a 2LT or 1LT.

Focus Areas: Professionalism and mission success along with developing tactical, operational, and strategic competencies associated with this rank and position. Competencies are developed through AF education, training, and professional experiences.


  • AFSC Training to Qualified 3-skill level

  • Learn and be involved in enlisted performance reports (EPRs), awards, and decorations

  • Learn Commanding General Priorities

Company Grade Officer Responsibilities:

  • Developing Self

  • Developing Others

  • Developing Ideas

  • Developing Organizations

NMANG Leadership, History, and State Partnership Program (SPP):

Promote Organizational Culture:

  • Participate in the squadron, group, wing, and community events and activities

  • Professionalism, Attitude, Work Ethic, Camaraderie Maintain Mission Readiness: fitness assessment, medical and dental, mobility, AFSC Upgrade Training

Key Air Force Systems to Know:

Methods Of Development And Career Progression