senior Master Sergeant
Areas of Focus for SMSgt
(The Brown Book) Enlisted Force Structure
Senior Noncommissioned Officers: This tier preserves our legacy and heritage by focusing on leading teams and shaping the future force. The ranks consist of Master Sergeant (MSgt), Senior Master Sergeant (SMSgt), and Chief Master Sergeant (CMSgt). As Senior Noncommissioned Officers progress in this tier, they actively integrate subordinates’ talents, skills, and abilities with other teams to effectively accomplish the mission. Additionally, they seek joint and interagency professional development opportunities to build partnership capacity. Senior Noncommissioned Officers should be highly proficient at the Airman Leadership Qualities and have a comprehensive knowledge of the foundational competencies operating at the advanced and expert levels. All Senior Noncommissioned Officers mentor their subordinates and peers through continual education, training, and experience to develop ready and disciplined teams. They also play a unique and critical role in developing and advising officers to lead teams successfully.
Senior Master Sergeant. Experienced operational leaders that continue to develop their leadership and management skills. They strive to learn the art of strategic leadership and earn the 9-skill level.
Senior NCO Responsibilities (The Brown Book, page 17):
Developing Self
Developing Others
Developing Ideas
Developing Organizations
Development Path:
Pursue higher-level education (Bachelor’s degree or above)
Apply for NGB Enlisted Development Opportunities (MVA 999) – Sister Service Senior NCO Academy, Reserve Component National Security Course (RCNSC)
Request 360 degree & supervisor feedback through myVector (via AF Portal)
Improve your strategic IQ by reviewing files including the National Defense Strategy, CNGB Posture Statement, and National Intelligence Reports and sharing knowledge with Airmen.
Complete SEJPME II
Complete FEMA courses
Attend ANG Contemporary Base Issues (CBI) Course
Attend ANG SNCO Enhancement Course
Develop Leadership and Supervisory Skills
Superintendent, Flight Chief, Section Chief (if opportunity exists)
Consider Stat Tour, ADOS Tour, Deployment, HRA
Volunteer to teach the curriculum at First Line Supervisor’s Course
Rate, Supervise, and mentor two or more Airman
Volunteer for Additional Duties to learn new skills
Board President for mock board
Guide your Airmen through and support their Individual Development Plan
Volunteer to be Panel Member for NGB Hiring Board
Consider applying to be Administrator for Enlisted Field Advisory Council (EFAC), CMSgt Orientation Course (CMSOC), or Command CMSgt Training Course (CMSTC)
Create an Official Air Force Biography
NMANG Leadership, History, and State Partnership Program (SPP):
Promote Organizational Culture:
Active Participation in the squadron, group, wing, and community (morale committee, booster club, Top III, etc.)
Professional Organizations: EANGUS
Professionalism, Attitude, Work Ethic, Camaraderie
Volunteer for Additional Duties to learn new skills
Key Air Force Systems:
Go to Key Air Force Sites
Enlisted Force Development
Methods Of Development And Career Progression